Tag: thoracic extension

Quick Case Study: Thoracic Spine

This is a quick case study of how to use type I and type II thoracic motion to help increase Thoracic Mobility Before 15 Year old male, more of a movement dysfunction problem than pain. I watched him squat and recorded it on the kinesio Capture app (now called Spark Motion)…take a look… You can

Thoracic Spine Exercise Progressions

Last week we talked about stubborn thoracic spines. I had a question asking for video to help the understanding, which will definitely help since movement is hard to describe in writing. In this video, I talk way faster than necessary (sorry about that!), but I go through type I and type II thoracic motion using

Thoracic Mobility

There’s no doubt in my mind that the thoracic spine can be one of the more stubborn areas of the body. It’s so common to see a lack of mobility through the thoracic. It has a decent knock on effect elsewhere, lumbar spine, shoulders, neck, etc. That means that it can be a great place