Category: Injury/Rehab

Rehab and Exercise Fundamentals

For those that have been reading a long time, it’s no surprise to see my interested in the fundamentals of rehab. I’m loving working with my patients at the moment. We have some great discussions. New patients these days will have almost always been on Google looking for the answer. Though I don’t think it’s

Ankle Rehab Strategies

Last week raised a few questions on the rehab strategies I used in the sessions to get back to playing. It doesn’t really matter if it is a quick return or if it’s a more significant sprain that takes longer, the process of regaining ROM, strength, balance power still has to happen. So, today we

The Syndesmosis Sprain Challenge

Last year I had a really fun challenge (though as always these things cost you some sleep!!). I was working with a rugby team and in the second to last game of the season a player had a low grade high ankle sprain. As always, there’s a certain urgency to get a starting player back